Sabina Classen‘s objects gain momentum – they turn inside and out like a dancer in motion. As waves, they flow between arrival and retreat. Like a tendril of a plant they follow the light. The abstract figures play with the principles of nature, yet at the same time have an earnest quality. From the amorphic material, clay, the artist demands exactly formed edges, which at the same time opens up to a surprising degree of freedom.

Because each form is born from movement, question the sculpture: how do forms materialise from movements in space? Answers grow from an understanding that the form is in a process of becoming in time. Linear movements expand to become surfaces in motion that flowingly conquer space.

Sabine Classen studied design at the Pforzheim Technical College (Fachhochschule für Gestaltung) from 1976 to 1978.
From 1979 to 1983, she studied at the Academy of Art (Freie Kunstakademie) in Nurtingen, specializing in thrown and coil- and slab-built pottery, as well as figurative sculpture. This was followed, in 1986 – 1990, by a period of further study in liberal arts under Prof. Ralf Busz and Vera Vehring at the University of Kassel.